Who has diabetes can eat tapioca, beets, sweet potatoes and eggs?

Expert answer:

Yes, those who have diabetes can eat tapioca, beets, sweet potatoes and eggs, as long as all these foods are consumed in the right doses and are inserted in a diet personalized, balanced and suitable for diabetics.

THE Tapioca can be part of the diet of those who have diabetes, and may even replace the bread in some meals. Remembering that tapioca is a source of carbohydrate and, in excess, may increase blood glucose levels. Thus, it should be part of a balanced diet plan, according to the patient's caloric needs.

THE beet can be included in a diabetes diet plan, but it should be consumed in small doses and along with meals. The recommended amount is two thin slices or one tablespoon of grated beets at lunch and dinner. Beet juice contains much more than that, so it is contraindicated for diabetics.

THE sweet potato is rich in low glycemic index carbohydrates. This means that sweet potatoes slowly release the sugar into the bloodstream without causing blood sugar spikes, which is good for people with diabetes.

In addition, sweet potatoes are a good source of soluble fibers which delay the absorption of sugar and fat, thus helping to control glucose and cholesterol levels. However, despite the benefits, sweet potatoes can not be consumed at will. The amount varies according to the energetic needs of each patient.

About the egg, despite not having carbohydrates and being a good source of protein, should be consumed without exaggeration. In excess, eggs also raise blood glucose levels and can overwhelm the kidneys. A person with diabetes can eat up to 6 eggs a week, within a balanced diet, without harming their health.

To know for certain what you can or can not eat, as well as the right amounts of each food, consult a nutritionist. This is the right professional to come up with a balanced and adequate diet plan for people with diabetes.

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