Pain and itchy breasts, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Sinus pain and itching may occur when breasts swell, getting sore and skin tight due to swelling, thus causing itching.

The breasts can stay sore and swollen due to the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, especially near the menstruation.

During the pregnancy, the breasts can also be sore because the mammary glands increase, preparing for the milk storage.

THE itchy breasts can be one allergy to some product, such as soaps, creams or tissues that have been in contact with the breasts.

Others causes of itchy breasts include:

  • Dry skin;
  • Scabies ("scabies");
  • Mycoses of skin;
  • Hot baths;
  • Breast tumors;
  • Insect bites;
  • Food allergy;
  • Exposure to the sun.

Itching in the beak of the breast, what can it be?

Itching in the beak of the breast with redness and scaling may be eczema, also called dermatitis. This is an inflammation of the skin resulting from some allergy.

The treatment of eczema is done with corticoid creams, which promotes rapid improvement of symptoms.

However, itching and constant redness in the sinus nipple, more specifically in the areola (around the beak), it may be a rare type of breast cancer called Paget's disease.

The symptoms gives Paget's disease are:

  • Itching of the nipple or areola (usually the first symptom);
  • Wounds in the areola or beak of the sinus;
  • Elimination of secretion;
  • Severe pain.

Treatment of Paget's disease consists of surgical removal of the tumor.

Learn more at: What is Paget's disease? What are the symptoms?

If these symptoms last for more than 10 days or do not go away within a short time after use of allergic doctor / mastologist or dermatologist for an evaluation.

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