Does constant fatigue mean that I have an illness?

Expert answer:

Yes, feeling constant fatigue can be a sign of anemia, heart disease or even psychic disorders like stress, anxiety and depression. However, the main cause for excessive fatigue is poor sleep quality, since people who do not have restful sleep at night often feel sleepy and tired throughout the day.

People with anemia they feel a constant tiredness because they have little hemoglobin. This protein is present in red blood cells and is responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body. The lack of hemoglobin decreases the oxygenation of cells, reducing energy production and generating fatigue.

There are still serious heart conditions that can cause constant fatigue, such as heart failure and myocarditis. In heart failure, fatigue is due to the difficulty the heart has in pumping enough blood into the rest of the body. In myocarditis, fatigue is caused by inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).

Individuals with myocarditis may still experience shortness of breath, chest pain, and malaise. Inflammation can be caused by abuse of alcoholic beverages, use of drugs, bacteria, viruses and fungi.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of the text, the main cause of constant fatigue is the sleep disturbances. In these cases, it is common for the person to feel sleepy and irritated during the day, with difficulty of concentration and low income in the studies or work.

Consult a GP or GP to assess the cause of your constant fatigue and indicate appropriate treatment.

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