Lack of appetite: what can it be and what to do?

Expert answer:

Lack of appetite can have many causes. May be a symptom of problems gastrointestinal, disturbances hormones, disorders psychiatrics, side effect of some medicine, anemia, infections, among others.

People with gastritis, nausea, ulcers or who feel pain when chewing or swallowing may have a lack of appetite. Anxiety and depression can also make a person lose appetite, as well as endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism or adrenal insufficiency and even improper eating habits.

However, lack of appetite is not always a sign of a health problem. O heat, for example, generally takes away the hunger of many people. Some people eat only one meal a day because of a lack of appetite. This change is part of the adaptation of the organism to room temperature.

Remember that on hotter days the metabolism slows down, since the body needs less energy to maintain a constant body temperature.

In these cases, it is recommended to make several small meals throughout the day with light, easily digestible foods such as fresh or cooked salads, fruits and vegetables.

It is important to note if lack of appetite is accompanied by other signs and symptoms. If the loss of appetite persists, consult your general practitioner or family physician to better investigate your case.