Can Hemangioma Turn To Cancer?

Expert answer:

Not, hemangioma does not turn cancer.

Hemangioma it is a growth benign of blood vessels that may be visible on the skin.It is more common in children and tends to regress spontaneously over time.

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What is hemangioma?

Despite their benign nature, some hemangiomas can cause complications such as ulcers, disfigurement, and involvement of vital organs. Therefore, in some cases, the presence of hemangioma requires specific treatment for its reduction.

The location of the hemangioma may be varied and may be present in the liver, brain, gastrointestinal tract, although it is more common on the skin of the face and head.

The hemangioma can be evaluated by the general practitioner, family doctor or angiologist.

Learn more at: What is angioma?