What can cause burning on urination?

Expert answer:

There are several diseases and conditions that can cause burning when men and on woman. Among the most common are: urinary infections, vulvovaginitis, kidney stones, prostate diseases, epididymitis and irritation in the urine canal (urethra).

Urinary infection

Urinary tract infection is the leading cause of pain and burning when urinating in women. The infection can occur in the urethra (urethritis), the bladder (cystitis), or the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection may include pain in the lower abdomen, fever and presence of blood in the urine. Most cases are caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli and the treatment is done with antibiotic medicines.

Diseases and disorders of the prostate

Infection (prostatitis), enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and prostate cancer are among the burning to urinate in man. Treatments may include use of antibiotics and other medications, or surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy in cases of malignant tumors.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra, the channel that urine travels through the bladder until it is eliminated. It is a type of urinary infection almost always caused by bacteria. In addition to burning when urinating, the person may purulent discharge which can be noticed on clothing. The treatment does not focus on the pain or the burning, but rather on the infection, which is treated with antibiotics.

However, the urethra does not need to be inflamed or infected to make the person feel pain or burning at the time of urination. If the urine channel is irritated due to contact or use of soaps, fabric softeners, perfumes or certain medications, these symptoms may also be present.


Epididymitis is an inflammation or infection of the epididymis, an organ located near the testicles. In addition to burning at the time of urination, you can leave the scrotal sac region sore and swollen. The treatment is carried out with antibiotic medicines.


Vulvovaginitis are infections of the vagina caused by bacteria, fungi or protozoa. They may cause pain or burning when urinating, severe itching and vaginal discharge. Vulvovaginitis can be treated with antifungal ointments or antibiotics, according to the cause.

Learn more at: Can Contraceptive Use Cause Vaginitis?

Kidney stones (kidney stone)

Kidney stones may cause pain and intense burning when urinating due to injuries that can cause in the urethra when passing through the canal. The stones can be removed by surgery or expelled through the urine after being sprayed, depending on the size and number of stones.

In case of burning when urinating, it is recommended that the person increase the water intake to at least 2 liters per day. If after 24 hours the symptom does not go away, she should seek a general practitioner, family doctor or urologist to receive an evaluation.

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