What can cause excessive tiredness?

Expert answer:

The most frequent cause of excessive fatigue is sleep disturbances. People who do not sleep well at night usually feel tired constantly and sleep drowsy during the day. However, excessive fatigue can also be a sign of depression, anxiety, stress, anemia, heart problems, among other diseases.

When tiredness results from poor sleep quality, a person may also experience drowsiness during the day, irritation, difficulty concentrating, and drop in performance.

In addition to causing excessive and constant fatigue, the sleep disorders may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias and hypertension, obesity, changes in growth, epilepsy, stroke, attention deficit, gastroesophageal reflux, depression, anxiety, among other health problems.

In the case of anemia, fatigue is triggered by lack of hemoglobin lack. This protein, which gives the blood red color, is responsible for transporting oxygen to the body's cells. With less oxygen in the cells, the body runs out of energy and physical and mental fatigue arises.

Excessive tiredness can also be caused by serious illnesses such as cardiac insufficiency and myocarditis. In heart failure, the heart is not able to pump the amount of blood needed for the rest of the body, causing fatigue.

Myocarditis is an inflammation that affects the heart. Its symptoms include shortness of breath, tiredness, chest pain and lack of disposition, and can be confused with stress. The disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, alcoholic beverages, or drugs.

Consult a general practitioner or family doctor so that the cause of excessive tiredness is properly diagnosed and treated.

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