What can cause itching in the legs?

Expert answer:

Itching in the legs can be a sign of various diseases and conditions, such as poor circulation, dry skin, allergy, insect bites, dermatitis, use of antibacterial soaps or bath time bushes, among other causes.

If the itching in the legs gets worse at night, it can be a symptom of scabies, popularly known as "scabies". In these cases, the itching also affects other parts of the body, especially the abdomen, inner part of the arms, genital areas and thighs.

Itching in the body that gets worse at night can also indicate liver disease, such as tumors or primary biliary cirrhosis.

When the itching in the legs is caused by poor circulation, the person may also have swelling in the ankles and feet, presence of varicose veins, pain in the legs when walking, numbness, tingling or burning sensation, changes in the temperature of the lower limb, presence of wounds and spots on the legs.

Learn more at: Poor circulation in the legs: how to identify and treat?

THE dermatitis is another common cause of itching in the body and is characterized by the appearance of red spots that peel and itch. It can be caused by cleaning products, personal hygiene and beauty, chemical substances, side effect of some medication, among others.

Already the urticaria is characterized by the sudden appearance of red plaques and raised skin that cause intense itching. It can have several causes, and some drugs are among the main ones.

In case of leg itching or any other part of the body, consult your family doctor or dermatologist for a diagnosis and follow proper treatment.

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