Kick in the testicles can cause infertility?

Expert answer:

For a stroke in the testicles to cause infertility it needs to be very strong, to the point of provoking break or serious injury these organs. Bring one light touch on the testicles, such as a hefty, will hardly leave an infertile man.

Each testicle has a fibrous coating resistant, which wraps and protects the delicate tissue of the gland. However, while difficult to achieve, such protection may be torn or fractured when hit by a violent force.

The types of testicular trauma which may cause such lesions and cause infertility are:

  • Blows from high-risk sports such as martial arts, skiing, skateboarding, among others;
  • Trauma caused by accidents;
  • Penetrating wounds;
  • Strong blows to the testicle.

O treatment these injury or breakage can be done through surgery, thus preserving the function of the testicles to produce sperm and testosterone, in addition to minimizing pain and scars.

However, there are cases where surgical repair can not be performed and the testicles need to be removed, although this rarely happens. It is usually possible to preserve some testicular function.

What should I do if I get a very strong blow to my testicles?

Whenever you experience more violent trauma to your testicles, you should consult a urologist doctor for an evaluation, mainly in the following situations:

  • Penetrating lesion in the scrotal sac;
  • Bruising and swelling of the scrotal sac;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Presence of blood in the urine;
  • Occurrence of fever after stroke;
  • Strong and constant pain.

It is important to remember that pain resulting from lighter strokes in the testicle, although intense, is not proportional to the "damage" caused to the organ, which almost always remains intact.