Palpitation in the eyes: what can it be?

Expert answer:

Palpitation in the eyes is a involuntary movement of the eyelid muscles, which can last for days or months, with spontaneous improvement in most cases. At main causes of palpitation in the eyes are:

  • Stress: In these cases, the palpitation in the eye improves with the reduction of the causes of stress;
  • Sleep deprivation: Sleeping little can cause spasms in the eyelids, which will only decrease if the person sleeps better;
  • Eye strain: Do not wear glasses when these are required and the constant use of computers, tablets and smartphones, can cause eye strain, which leads to palpitation in the eyes. Wearing glasses and shortening the use of electronic devices can reduce these episodes;
  • Alcohol and caffeine: Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, and caffeinated teas can increase spasms;
  • Dry eye: Elderly, constant users of electronic devices, people who wear contact lenses and patients taking antidepressants are most affected by dry eyes. To reduce palpitations in the eyes, the causes of dry eye should be treated;
  • Lack of nutrients: The lack of magnesium may be related to episodes of spasms in the palpebral musculature;
  • Allergy: The large amount of histamine released by allergic patients may be related to palpitations in the eyes. The use of antihistamine drops for a short time can solve the problem;
  • Neurological problems: In these cases, the spasms do not improve spontaneously and the treatment may include the application of Botox.

In case of persistent palpitation of the eyes, it is recommended to consult the doctor or ophthalmologist.