Parents with Rh negative can have children with Rh positive?

Expert answer:

Not. Parents which present the blood Rh negative do not have children with Rh positive, only Rh negative.

The Rh Factor is used to characterize blood typing along with the ABO System. Thus, every person has a factor associated with their blood type, being positive or negative.

This Rh factor is an antigen that is transmitted to the offspring. A Rh negative woman and a Rh negative man do not have this antigen to pass on to his / her children, so these / these can only be Rh negative also.

The Rh Factor and the ABO System is characteristic of each person and determined at the time of conception. To find out what your blood type is, you need to do a blood test for that.

The most worrisome situation that needs special care is if the woman is Rh negative and the partner is Rh positive. When it results in a Rh-positive child, there is a possibility of causing a reaction in the woman, and therefore, especially before giving birth, proper procedures should be taken to ensure maternal health.

If you are planning to become pregnant and do not know your blood type, find a health facility to find out.