HIV virus carrier may not show symptoms?

Is it possible for a person to have HIV virus for more than 1 year and have no symptoms or any other reaction, and only be a carrier?
Expert answer:

Yes. The person HIV virus may not have symptoms.

In between 10 to 60% of people who carry the HIV virus in blood can have no symptoms of the disease.

HIV is the virus that affects the immune system of people and can cause AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Not everyone who has the HIV virus will develop AIDS. This can be handled with the control and follow up of the treatment.

THE initial or acute infection can start between 2 and 4 weeks after contact with the virus and is characterized by symptoms common to other viral syndromes and may go unnoticed.

Therefore, it is possible for a person to carry the virus for several years without showing any reaction. That period where the person will be no symptoms will depend on each organism and the competence of every immune system in fighting the infection, so it is very variable.

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O HIV detection test is simple and offered free in the Unified Health System (SUS). The person who presents the positive test must be accompanied by the team of infectology in a specialized outpatient clinic with due monitoring of the symptoms and accomplishment of complementary examinations with frequency.

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