Can Chronic Prostatitis Cause Cancer?

Expert answer:

In general, the Chronic prostatitis does not cause cancer.

Chronic prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland caused, in most cases, by bacteria. Recent studies in laboratory mice have shown an association between chronic inflammation in the prostate and acceleration of prostate cancer-inducing processes.

Chronic prostatitis should be treated correctly for the full time given to prevent recurrence of infection and curing the inflammatory tissue of the organ. With treatment, the patient will experience improvement of symptoms.

Prostate cancer happens when a group of normal cells differentiates and grows out of control. This set of abnormal cells forms a cancerous tissue that will not perform the properly programmed functions of the prostate. Some diets and inflammatory processes in the prostate can induce a modification of these cells and increase the chance of making them carcinogenic. O dprostate cancer is very slow and, in general, is expressed with the advancing age.

Seek out a health service periodically for consultation and disease prevention.

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