Does anal itching have a cure? How is the treatment?

Expert answer:

Anal pruritus has a cure and the treatment focuses on the source of the nuisance. After treating or eliminating the causative agent, the itching in the anus tends to disappear. However, when the doctor finds no apparent cause, the treatment becomes more difficult and prolonged.

To relieve anal pruritus, it is recommended to regulate bowel habits by looking for evacuate at least once a day. For this, it is important to increase fiber intake and water consumption to promote intestinal transit. By making less effort to evacuate, the risk of lesions on the anal mucosa decreases.

It is also essential to keep the anogenital region clean and dry, to avoid synthetic fabric underwear and not to apply any type of ointment or medicine without medical advice.

Sometimes the itching can become unbearable, to the point where the person scratches the place to end the discomfort. This should be avoided as it can injure the mucosa and cause an infection.

To relieve anal pruritus in these situations, apply a cold compress or make a seat bath with cold water.

Following proper treatment, the symptoms can be alleviated within a few days. Many cases of anal itching are completely cured within 1 month.

The specialist responsible for the treatment is the proctologist.

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What can cause anal pruritus?

Itchy anus, what can it be?