What is the difference between flu and cold?

Expert answer:

Two of the main differences between the flu and the cold are the fever and the general condition of the patient. The cold does not usually cause fever (except in young children), whereas in influenza it is common and usually is above 38 ° C.

At the flu, the patient becomes more prostrate, with a headache, and often with muscle and joint pain, while the patient cold causes cough, coughing and sneezing and the patient is more or less well disposed, only bothered by the symptoms.

THE streaming of both conditions is by contact with viruses dispersed in particles that are expelled into the air by infected individuals. In the case of the cold, the symptoms begin within 24 to 72 hours of the infection. In the case of influenza, it is slightly later, on average three to four days after the infection.

THE duration of symptoms is similar, ranging from 5 to 7 days. In the case of the cold, in 25% of cases, the symptoms persist for up to 2 weeks.

Flu and cold are acute illnesses caused by viruses, which share symptoms such as coughing, coryza, and body aches. The flu is caused by viruses of the genus Influenza. The cold can be caused by different viruses, such as Rhinovirus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, etc.

Cold Symptoms

The symptoms Most common colds are coryza, cough and sneezing. There may be a short sore throat in the first few days. Dry cough may last weeks after symptoms end. Rare fever occurs in adults. Complications are rare and include exacerbation of asthma and the presence of associated bacterial infection, such as sinusitis or otitis.

Symptoms of Influenza

The flu has a clinical picture with a high fever, body aches, headache, malaise, loss of appetite, sore throat and cough. The symptoms in the flu usually appear suddenly. Cough and fever are early symptoms. It has a higher complication rate, such as pneumonia caused by the Influenza virus itself or by opportunistic bacteria.


The cold does not need treatment the use of analgesics, hydration and rest. In the case of influenza, treatment with Tamiflu® is indicated if the patient is at risk.

If you have symptoms of cough, fever, persistent runny nose, or are very sick or are at risk, seek prompt care.