What is the treatment for kidney stones?

Expert answer:

Treatment for kidney stones (kidney stones) can be done with medicines or surgery, depending on the size of the stone, its location, the presence of symptoms and the intensity of the pain.

In the presence of nausea, vomiting, fever, and severe pain, a person must go to the emergency department to get medicine through the vein.

The remedies that are put directly into the bloodstream and absorbed immediately. Thus, the symptoms improve faster, reducing fluid loss and the discomfort of pain.

In cases of pain not very intense and without the presence of other signs and symptoms, it can be expected that the calculation is expelled naturally.

This is done with the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatories to tolerate pain, medications to dissolve the stone and increase water intake.


Stones that are larger and are not able to pass into the urine channel need surgical intervention for their removal or to facilitate size reduction. This can be done with shock waves, laser, common surgery or with introduction of probe through the urethra.

Extracorporeal Lithotripsy

This surgical treatment fragments the stones into very small pieces through a device that emits shock waves. The stones are then expelled along with the urine.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy

This surgery is done through a small incision through which the kidney is reached. Then, a device is introduced that destroys and removes the kidney stone.


Removal of the stones is done by the introduction of a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) into the ureter, with which it is possible to destroy and remove the stones with the aid of special tweezers.

Learn more at: How to eliminate kidney stones?

The decision of which treatment most indicated in each situation is performed by the doctor together with the patient.

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