What is the treatment for gall bladder?

Expert answer:

The definitive treatment for the presence of stone in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis) is surgical. It is usually performed for people who have symptoms or in the presence of stones smaller than 0.5 cm and larger than 2 cm. Preferably, the surgery is performed through laparoscopy, the vesicle being removed with the aid of a device equipped with special clamps and camera (videolaparoscope), which is introduced into the abdomen by means of small cuts. This method allows for faster hospital recovery and discharge with less pain.

When the symptoms are mild or there is no possibility of performing the surgery due to other problems, such as poor clinical conditions, the patient may be treated with anti-inflammatories, pain medications (analgesics and antispasmodics) and medications which according to the composition of the calculation, can dilute it. Depending on the location of the stone, it is also possible to remove the stone by means of a laparoscopic or endoscopic procedure. Lithotripsy is a method of destruction of calculi by means of extracorporeal shock waves used in some cases of stone in the gallbladder.

The gastro-surgeon is the specialist to diagnose and define the best treatment for the gallbladder problem, according to the patient's physical condition, the location of the stones and the severity of the case.