When should I take homemade whey?

Expert answer:

Homemade serum should be taken in cases of diarrhea and vomiting, to prevent dehydration. Although it did not cut the diarrhea, homemade whey resets the liquid and mineral salts eliminated in the stool or vomiting.

To take the serum, use a spoon and go drinking a little, throughout the day or after each bowel movement or vomiting. Start taking it as soon as you start diarrhea (intestinal derangement with increased stools and soft or liquid stools) or vomiting.

In the case of children, it is important to be aware of signs of diarrhea dehydration, that are:

  • Moleira funda;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Dry eye;
  • I cry without tears.

However, the use of homemade whey only indicated in emergency situations, when the person does not have oral replacement serum from the Ministry of Health, distributed free of charge to health posts in Brazil.

This is because it is very common to have errors in salt and sugar doses used to make homemade whey. Often there is an exaggeration and, in addition to not be effective, can bring reactions.

When using the government-issued preparation, you are sure to be taking a serum with the right amounts of salt and sugar.

To give effect, homemade whey must be 20 grams of sugar (2 tablespoons of soup) and 3.5 grams of salt (1 tablespoon shallow) by every liter of water.

The standard measuring spoon can also be purchased at the health clinic to prepare the homemade whey so as not to run the risk of missing the doses.