When should I stop breast-feeding?

Expert answer:

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding at least 2 years of the child. first 6 months breastfeeding should be exclusive as single source of nutrition for the baby.

After 6 months the mother will continue to breastfeed, but she should other foods and liquids in the child's eating routine.

O breast milk it's from extremely important for the development and growth of of the child, besides being a powerful protector against untimely infections.

The choice of when to stop breastfeeding should be made at a moment of mother's safety, considering aspects of the bond established with the baby and his / her personal / professional life, and may be a slow, gradual process that allows a decision based on the trust of that binomial.

O breastfeeding does not have a maximum recommended from which one should not breastfeed. After the second year of life, the baby may continue to breastfeed normally. This moment should be pleasurable for the mother and the baby, helping to strengthen the bond and continuing to offer the nutrients present in breast milk.

In a few situations, breastfeeding should be temporarily suspended:

  • Injury of Herpes in the breast - the woman can offer the other breast and expect to resolve the lesions of the affected breast to return to breastfeeding;
  • Active tuberculosis - wait two weeks for treatment to begin, and after that time, you may resume breast-feeding;

In addition to the short- and long-term benefits for the child, breastfeeding has many advantages for the woman and her family.

Frequent childcare consultations and talk to the health professional about your questions.