When does that dark "blotter" come down, is it a sign of pregnancy?

Hi. I'm very scared ... it all started in the month of July ... I had sex with my boyfriend with a condom, twice, one in the middle of the month, another one at the end. In August I was going to start taking the contraceptive, so when the menstruation was giving signs, like a dark little bottle, I took it and took the pill, and the days passed and the menses did not come down and I was taking the pill anyway. I went to the doctor and he asked me to stop taking the pill because I had taken it wrong. So, I stopped taking and menstruation coming down on 10/08, on the right day. It's been 7 days, normal. In September it came down normal also, day 09/09. Being that I am very scared to be pregnant, since I saw in the internet that when the dark blouse descends is sign of pregnancy. Doctor, may I be pregnant? I feel a lot of pain in my stomach, too. Help me please.
Expert answer:

When "the baby goes down" can be a sign of pregnancy (especially when associated with other symptoms and a context of possibility of pregnancy), but does not mean that every time "the baby goes down" the woman is pregnant, quite the contrary, in the most of the time does not mean pregnancy. Since you have already menstruated the chances of pregnancy are small, but if you are still in doubt you only have to take the pregnancy test, give preference to the blood test, it is more reliable.