Who has high blood pressure can take fluoxetine?

Expert answer:

Yes, those who have high blood pressure can take fluoxetine, provided the doctor knows about hypertension and assesses the cost-benefit of prescribing the medication.

One of the possible side effects of fluoxetine it's the increased blood pressure, which can occur in up to 10% of patients.

Other possible adverse reactions of fluoxetine related to the heart are: chest pain and palpitation.

Fluoxetine is contraindicated following situations:

  • Patients allergic to fluoxetine or any of its components;
  • Patients who use monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), such as tranylcypromine sulfate and moclobemide. In this case, the patient should wait at least two weeks to take fluoxetine after stopping MAOI; The combined use of fluoxetine with MAO inhibitor drugs can cause serious adverse reactions and may even lead to death;

Patients with high blood pressure should always inform the healthcare professional of the medications they are taking for an evaluation of drug interactions.