I feel a pulse in my belly, what can it be?

Expert answer:

A pulse in the belly may be just the heart beats through the aortic artery, but may also indicate a aneurysm in this same artery. Pregnancy does not cause belly pulsation and even if the woman is pregnant, it is not possible to feel the baby's heart beat.

THE aorta artery is the main blood vessel that leaves the heart and crosses the thorax and abdomen (belly). THE abdominal portion of the aorta is bulky and can be easily felt in thin people. Hence the sensation of "pulsation in the belly".

However, there is an artery-related problem called aneurysm, in which the blood vessel becomes dilated and may rupture, causing internal bleeding that can lead to death.

Usually the aortic aneurysm does not cause symptoms, but when they appear, the patient usually feels throbbing in the belly and pain in the belly or back. It is important to remember that about 75% of cases of aortic aneurysm occur in the abdominal portion.

This dilatation usually occurs in a more fragile area of ​​the artery wall, weakened atherosclerosis, which causes blood pressure inside the artery to cause protrusion.

The aortic aneurysm can rupture at any time and almost always progresses to rupture, hence the importance of an early diagnosis. Once detected, the Aneurysm treatment is surgical.

In case of a pulsating sensation in the belly, it is best to seek the general practitioner or family doctor so that the abdomen is properly examined and the causes are identified.