I have sores in my mouth, what can it be?

Expert answer:

There are several diseases and conditions that can cause sores in the mouth. Oral lesions may be due to traumas, such as blows and bites on the lips, or be a sign of diseases and infections, such as thrush, stomatitis, cancer of the mouth, cold sores, among others.

At traumatic ulcers are mouth sores caused by strokes, hot foods or drinks, orthodontic appliances, and other types of trauma. The bruises in these cases cause a lot of pain, have red edges, are whitish and sizes vary.

THE stomatitis is an inflammation or infection in the mouth caused by traumas, viruses or fungi. It can occur in individuals of any age, although it is more frequent in children, who are still having the first contacts with infectious microorganisms.

At canker sores are a common cause of mouth sores. It is a lesion of inflammatory origin that can appear anywhere in the mouth or even in the gums. Wounds are usually of varying sizes, are superficial and quite painful.

The sore is not contagious and usually goes away spontaneously. It can arise due to lack of nutrients in the diet, low immunity, stress, infections or even autoimmune diseases.

O lip herpes causes lesions in the mouth that initially manifest in the form of vesicles (small bubbles), which then burst and release a liquid, giving rise to a wound. Before the injury appears, it is common for the person to feel or feel the sensation of burning on the spot. Herpes is contagious, especially at the stage where the lesion is releasing the secretion.

Wounds in the mouth caused by oral cancer do not heal and usually increase in size over time. In addition, unlike the other bruises in the mouth, oral cancer usually does not cause pain.

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O pemphigus is an autoimmune disease that causes painful lesions in the mouth, and may also manifest in the skin. In the beginning, small bubbles appear that quickly burst and turn into wounds. Swallowing of food may even be impaired, depending on the size of the lesions.

There is still the "thrush", an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Causes mouth sores especially in children with low immunity.

It is important to watch for mouth disease in the early stages, especially oral cancer. Recalling that cancer usually does not cause pain, which makes this "self-examination" even more decisive in the early diagnosis of the disease.

The presence of any suspected sore in the mouth should be evaluated by a dentist specializing in stomatology.

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