I have trembling hands, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Tremor in the hands can have several causes. Shaky hands may be a sign of diseases such as Parkinson's and hyperthyroidism, as can be caused by anxiety, drug side effects, alcohol abstinence, stimulant abuse, essential tremor, among other causes.

One of the most common causes of hand tremors is essential tremor, which is usually more evident in the young adult. This type of tremor does not have a known cause, but it is known that it can originate in hereditary factors.

Essential tremor usually affects hands and arms, but can also affect the head. It usually manifests when the arms are extended and stopped or when the person performs finer movements like writing, drinking a cup of coffee or drinking water in a glass.

Essential tremor does not usually prevent daily tasks or evolve to the point of causing more serious complications, but can interfere with quality of life if it is too intense.

At the Parkinson's disease, the tremor in the hands is present even at rest, improving when the person moves the affected limb. However, it is important to remember that not all patients with the disease present with tremor.

Another common cause of hand tremors is physiological tremor, which appears mainly when it is necessary to perform movements that require precision, such as passing a line through the bottom of a needle.

Physiological tremor usually goes unnoticed in normal situations, but may be aggravated in some situations, such as:

  • Use of corticosteroids and certain medications used to treat asthma and psychiatric and neurological diseases;
  • Excessive consumption of stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine;
  • Fear, anxiety and strong emotions;
  • Muscle fatigue;
  • Abstinence from alcohol;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

In such cases, the tremor usually disappears upon withdrawal or treatment of the cause.

In case of tremors in the hands or any other part of the body, seek a general practitioner, family doctor or neurologist.

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