Does genital warts have a cure? What is the treatment?

Expert answer:

O treatment for genital wart is able to exterminate the warts, but in some cases they can come back and make recurring.

O treatment may vary depending on the extension of the lesion, gives location and the medication availability.

The treatment of genital wart can be done by the gynecologist, infectologist, dermatologist, general practitioner or family doctor.

Among the options available to treat genital warts are:

  • Chemical Agents;
  • Immunomodulators;
  • Coagulation with rays infrared;
  • Surgery;
  • Application of Liquid nitrogen or laser.

The presence of genital warts is not a dangerous or emergency situation. But due to the inconvenience caused, it is recommended to consult with the health professional for the treatment due.

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