5 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Expert answer:

A good way to improve memory is to practice physical exercises, besides having a balanced feed and encourage O brain continuously.

Look 5 Ways to Improve Your Memory and Concentration following some practical tips for your day-to-day life:

1) Do physical exercises

  • Physical activity produces substances that stimulate the production of neurons in the region of the brain responsible for memory;
  • It takes 30 minutes of physical activity, 3 times a week, to produce positive effects in memory;
  • The difference can already be observed after 1 month of regular exercises.

2) Have a balanced diet

To improve memory, nutrients such as:

  • Carbohydrates (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, cereals, fruits): they are sources of glucose (sugar), the fuel that supplies energy to the brain;
  • Iron (red meats, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas): acts in the transport of oxygen;
  • Calcium (milks and derivatives, sardines, broccoli, spinach): it plays an important role in the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • Zinc (seafood, fish, chicken, beef): it helps the neurochemical balance of the brain;
  • Omega 3 (sardines, salmon tuna, nuts, nuts): composes the cellular membrane of the neurons;
  • Vitamin B1 (egg yolk, oats, liver, beer yeast): favors the use of energy by the body;
  • Caffeine (coffee, black tea, mate tea, guarana): since it is consumed in small quantities (3 cups of coffee a day, for example), it improves attention and concentration.

A healthy and balanced diet is essential to ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and hence memory, providing the brain with all the necessary nutrients.

3) Stimulate your brain

  • Try to remember appointments, names, phones and other information using your memory, without resorting to reminders or schedules;
  • Read, because reading is one of the best exercises for the brain and memory;
  • Repeat for yourself what you need to remember, such as where you left an object, for example; this habit increases concentration at the moment of action and favors memorization;
  • Practice hobbies, games (even video games) and hobbies.

4) Take care of your heart

  • Keep your diabetes and cholesterol under control and do not smoke, so you prevent the formation of fat plaques in the blood vessels of the brain that impair circulation, with consequent memory damage;
  • Control hypertension, which can cause narrowing of blood vessels in the brain and impairs memory.

5) Have restful sleep

  • It is during deep and restful sleep that the memories are consolidated in the brain;
  • Having poor sleep leaves the person tired and impairs attention, with direct negative effects on memory.

Being forgetful is normal, but when they begin to be very common and interfere with your daily life, there may be some problem related to the memory loss. In this case, it is recommended to seek medical advice.

See more on the subject at: Memory Loss: What Can Be And What To Do?

The neurologist is the doctor responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect memory.