After phimosis surgery is the glans always exposed?

Expert answer:

Yes, after phimosis surgery, the glans is always exposed and there are no ways to reverse the operation. Soon after the surgery there may be a slight increased glans sensitivity, which then decreases and returns to normal.

What can happen over time is a dryness and some loss of tenderness of the glans, since it has always been covered by the prepuce (skin that covers the glans), which is soft, moist and smooth.

As time passes, the constant friction of the glans and underwear tends to make it more rough. Is natural protection reaction, similar to what happens on the skin of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

However, this should not be a cause for concern, as this discreet loss of sensitivity does not diminish the sensation of pleasure nor does it interfere with sexual relations.

Read more about it in: Does phimosis surgery cause increased or loss of sensitivity in the glans?

For further information, talk to your urologist, general practitioner, or family doctor.