What is body dysmorphia and what are the symptoms?

Expert answer:

Body Dysmorphism is a mental disorder whose main symptom is the extreme dissatisfaction with body image. A person with body dysmorphia has a perception of the image itself and is overreacting with defects that are imaginary or minimal.

Body dysmorphism causes the person to have a distorted view of one's body, even if it has no visible defects in the body or face. The individual develops a aversion to one's image.

Usually affects people shy, anxious and depressed that are obsessed with details that no one else sees. The disorder usually begins in the adolescence, but may also occur in the childhood.

What are the symptoms of body dysmorphia?

The symptoms of body dysmorphia are characterized by simultaneous and successive concerns with the body, mainly related to skin, hair and face. The most frequent complaints are related to:

  • Size, asymmetry or disproportion of any part of the body, such as nose, ears, breasts;
  • Hair loss;
  • Skin defects such as pimples, scars, changes in pigmentation, wrinkles, hairs, stretch marks;
  • To be ugly;
  • To think that a part of the body is "strange".

In addition, there are behaviors that are very common people suffering from body dysmorphism, such as:

  • Constantly and repeatedly checking the "defect" in the mirror;
  • Compare yourself with other people;
  • Questioning family and friends about their "defect";
  • Try to disguise your "problem" with makeup, glasses, clothes, accessories, multiple plastic surgeries, which sometimes ends up drawing more attention than the actual "defect" itself.

People with body dysmorphia may be refusing to leave their home and usually have emotional difficulties, Besides depression and anxiety. About 25% of them try to suicide.

It is necessary to distinguish the body dysmorphia from a simple dissatisfaction with a part of the body. If there is too much psychological suffering or negative interference on a daily basis, it ceases to be a mere dissatisfaction and becomes a psychiatric disorder which needs to be addressed.