What are the effects of anabolic agents on the human body?

Expert answer:

Misuse of anabolic agents can lead to countless effects, as:

  • reduction of sperm production;
  • impotence;
  • difficulty or pain to urinate;
  • baldness (hair loss);
  • irreversible growth of breasts in men (gynecomastia);
  • appearance of male signs in women, such as thickening of the voice, excessive growth of hair on the body and face (beard), hair loss, breast reduction;
  • prematurely terminating growth, leading to short stature;
  • appearance of tumors (cancer) in the liver;
  • change in blood clotting;
  • change in cholesterol;
  • high pressure;
  • myocardial infarction (cardiac);
  • acne (pimples);
  • hairiness;
  • increased aggressiveness and irritability;
  • infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C, if anabolic injectables are used, without sterile technique.

In a totally erroneous attempt to prevent the appearance of undesirable effects, some users take antihypertensive drugs as well as anti-cancer drugs.

Anabolic users may become dependent on these drugs, which can be seen in people who continue to take anabolic steroids even after they have had consequences such as physical problems, nervousness, irritability, negative effects on their social and personal relationships.

In addition, these people spend large amounts of money and time to get the drug, and when they stop using it, they have several unpleasant symptoms.

For those who have been consuming high doses of anabolics for a long time and have symptoms of addiction, it is not always easy to stop using. When they stop using, they may feel fatigue, lack of appetite, insomnia, decreased libido and still a strong desire to continue using anabolic steroids.

The most dangerous symptom that can arise when you stop using anabolic steroids is depression, which can lead to attempted suicide in extreme cases. In such cases it is necessary the help of a professional to stop using anabolic, ideally a medical psychiatrist.

If you use these substances, you should seek a psychiatrist or endocrinologist to stop the use.