What is the treatment for elusive personality disorder?

Expert answer:

Treatment for avoidant personality disorder is done with psychotherapy and psychiatric medications. The medication often used to treat this type of personality disorder is antidepressants and anxiolytics. In psychotherapy, among the most used methods is cognitive-behavioral therapy.

However, in the presence of other mental disorders, other medications may need to be included. The duration of treatment of avoidant personality disorder can take years. The main goal is to control the symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.

THE cognitive behavioral therapy uses various techniques to reshape the patient's deviant beliefs and thoughts, providing tools so that he can differentiate thoughts, feelings, and reality.

By distinguishing these elements, it becomes easier to perceive their automatic processes of negative thoughts and feelings that favor the maintenance of their personality disorder.

Through psychotherapy, the person analyzes their behaviors and becomes aware of how much these thoughts and feelings interfere with the balance of their emotions. Such negative thoughts are analyzed, challenged, and challenged by the patient himself, through explanations based on what is real and concrete.

The results of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder are quite satisfactory as it offers the individual a chance to create a new and stable environment to regulate their emotional and psychological state.

Sessions can be held an or twice a week, and can then move to more spaced intervals of 15 days.

However, for the success of the treatment it is fundamental that there is a relationship of trust and empathy between the psychotherapist and the patient. If there is resistance in accepting therapy, the changes may be few and the results unsatisfactory.

The treatment of the avoidant personality disorder is performed by a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

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