What is the treatment for athlete's foot?

Expert answer:

The treatment for athlete's foot, also known as chiropractor, is mainly done with antifungal ointments. The most commonly used are those containing terbinafine or naftifine, as they are the most effective for healing athlete's foot. The medicines Oral antifungals are indicated when foot mycosis is more extensive or resistant to ointments.

Ointments and creams with ketoconazole, miconazole, cotrimazole, or butenafine are also used to treat athlete's foot. The most commonly used oral antifungals are terbinafine, itraconazole and fluconazole.

Ointments and antifungal creams should be applied 1 or 2 times a day, for a period that may vary from 2 to 4 weeks. The application of the medicines should include the region affected by the dishwasher and also the normal skin around the ringworm.

To completely eliminate the fungus and prevent recurrences, topical treatment of the athlete's foot should be maintained for another 1-2 weeks after the disappearance of the symptoms.

Treatment with oral remedies rarely is necessary, except in cases of chronic or very extensive chills that do not respond to treatment with ointments. In such cases, the medicinal products must be kept for at least 30 days.

Athlete's foot (interdigital line) is a skin infection caused by fungi. It is a foot mycosis which causes blisters, peeling and cracking between the fingers, causing burning and intense itching, in addition to leaving the skin whitish.

Learn more at: What are the symptoms and treatment for foot mycosis?

THE streaming of athlete's foot occurs by direct contact with the foot of an infected person or through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, such as dressing room floors, clothing, footwear, and swimming pools.

For to prevent the appearance of athlete's foot, it is important to have some hygiene care, such as:

⇒ Wear slippers when bathing in locker rooms and whenever you are in saunas or in contact with floors that are constantly wet;

⇒ Do not wear synthetic fabric socks;

⇒ Leave the shoes in the sun;

⇒ Spray antifungal powder inside the shoes;

⇒ Dry the feet well after bathing, especially between the toes;

⇒ Do not wear other people's shoes;

⇒ Where possible, wear open and ventilated shoes;

⇒ Avoid wearing the same shoes for several days in a row;

⇒ Do the nails with sterile or disposable material.

Athlete's foot treatment is the responsibility of the general practitioner, family doctor, or dermatologist.