What is the treatment for pigeon breast?

Expert answer:

Treatment for pectus excavatum, popularly called "pigeon's chest", depends on the type and severity of the case. In some cases, the use of a type of vest called CDT may be enough to reshape the rib cage. In others, the surgery correction may be required.

In the latter case, it is essential that the patient and his family be thoroughly informed about the risks related to anesthesia, infections, scarring and others.

As regards physiotherapy and bodybuilding, they play a role in relieving pain and poor posture, but they are not sufficient to resolve the bone deformity.

It is important to remember that doing bodybuilding without using a bracing may worsen the pigeon's chest or make the deformity more rigid. Increased muscle mass disguises the problem but does not correct the deformity.

The only physical activity that a person with a pigeon's chest can do without using a bracing swimming. Although not able to correct deformity on its own, swimming does not increase stiffness or worsen the condition.

However, well-executed and executed exercises, with the patient using an appropriate orthosis and adapted to their reality, can contribute significantly to the remodeling of bones and cartilages of the chest as a whole, improving the appearance of pigeon's chest.

Treatment of pigeon's chest should be indicated and accompanied by an orthopedic doctor or thoracic surgeon.