What is the treatment for pemphigus?

Expert answer:

O treatment for pemphigus is done using corticoids associated with immunosuppressants. This treatment, in general, is prolonged and may require the use of these medications for several years.

O goal of the treatment is keep the disease under control, avoid the worsening of the lesions and avoid the appearance of new lesions.

As these medications can lead to different Side effects, the person with pemphigus should be regularly monitored with routine exams and medical evaluation.

Sometimes, as part of the treatment, the person can be evaluated by other specialists (ophthalmologist, dentist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, rheumatologist, cardiologists, etc.) to observe the presence of these side effects in other organs besides the skin and mucous membranes.

The disease may present moments of improvement and control, but it may be uncontrolled at certain moments requiring a rise in the dose of medications.

The doctor / dermatologist is responsible for conducting the case.

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What is pemphigus?