What is the treatment for allergic sinusitis?

Expert answer:

The treatment of allergic sinusitis is done with nasal sprays with corticoids and antiallergics, which decrease inflammation and swelling of the paranasal sinus mucosa. It is also advisable to nasal washings with saline and ingesting enough liquid to help soften the accumulated secretion.

A very important measure in the treatment of allergic sinusitis is to move away from the factors that trigger allergy or cause irritation of the airways. That includes:

- Avoid contact with cigarette smoke and other types of environmental pollutants;

- Keep the room well ventilated;

- Avoid dust accumulation as much as possible;

- Use mattress and pillow with protective cover;

- Remove mold from the environment;

- Avoid cold and irritating odors.

The nasal decongestants should not be used for more than 3 days as they lose their long-term effect and may cause nasal rebound congestion.

Although it clears the nose quickly, the congestion returns as soon as the drug is suspended, creating a vicious cycle. In addition, the use of excess decongestant may cause perforation of the nasal septum and cardiac arrhythmia.

Allergic sinusitis There is no cure., since allergy is a genetic inheritance. Hence the importance in identifying and moving away from the factors that can trigger the allergy to avoid new allergic crises.

However, although there is no cure, it is possible to control and even eliminate the symptoms of allergic sinusitis with proper treatment.

The otolaryngologist is the specialist responsible for the treatment of sinusitis.

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