What is the treatment for urethritis?

Expert answer:

The treatment of urethritis depends on its cause. However, since identifying the infectious micro-organism (bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa) may take some time, it usually begins to treat the infection with antibiotics, which is the medication most used in treatments.

In other cases, antiviral drugs or antifungals, in case the infection is caused may virus or fungi, respectively.

Partners who have had intimate contact with the infected person in the last 60 days should also be evaluated and treated. While urethritis treatment is not complete, the infected individual continues to transmit disease.

Urethritis treatment aims to relieve symptoms and prevent complications in the infected person and partner.

Without treatment, urethritis can cause pain and swelling in the joints, eye infection, cystitis (bladder infection) and infertility in men and women.

To the men complications such as infection of the testicle and prostate, and narrowing of the urethra by scar formation in more severe infections may also occur.

Already the women who do not receive treatment or treat urethritis improperly, may also develop cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

With proper treatment, urethritis is usually completely cured and causes no complications.

The urologist is the specialist to treat urethritis.

Learn more at:

Urethritis: What are the symptoms and possible complications?

What can cause urethritis?

Pain in the urethra: What can it be and what to do?