Who Has Thyroid Problems Can Get Pregnant?

Expert answer:

Yes, you can get pregnant as long as your condition is under control. Pregnancy is directly related to the increased need for hormonal secretion by the thyroid from the first weeks after conception. Gestation causes several physiological changes that affect the function of the thyroid in order to supply this greater demand. For normal pregnant women living in sufficient areas in iodine, this challenge in adjusting the release of thyroid hormones usually occurs without difficulty.

However, in women with functional thyroid impairment thyroid disease or those residing in areas of iodine deficiency, this does not occur. During pregnancy, special considerations are needed in the management of thyroid dysfunctions, since both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause complications for the mother and the fetus. In addition, the presence of nodules in the thyroid are frequently detected in pregnant women, and there may be a need for differential diagnosis between benign and malignant during pregnancy.

In case of doubt, if you have thyroid disease (suspected or confirmed) and you intend to become pregnant, consult an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. They will be able to evaluate your case in detail - through anamnesis, physical examination and any additional examinations; determine its correct diagnosis and guide it as to the optimal treatment and conduct to be taken.