Swollen Breasts Out of Menstrual Period: What Can It Be?

Expert answer:

Swollen breasts outside the menstrual period can be caused by various situations, such as menstruation, hormonal changes, contraceptive use, pregnancy, among others.

Can it be pregnancy?

Yes, if the breasts are swollen and sore and come accompanied by menstrual delay and other symptoms such as tiredness, dizziness, sleep, abdominal bloating, you may be pregnant.

However, the most common causes of swollen breasts outside the menstrual period are PMS (premenstrual tension), hormonal changes, and contraceptive use.

Before menstruation it is normal for breasts to become swollen and sore due to fluid retention caused by hormonal changes in the body at this stage.

Most cases of swollen breasts are related to the phase of the menstrual cycle or the use of hormones, which causes fluid retention and makes the breasts swollen, leading to an inflammatory reaction in the tissue that causes pain.

To know exactly why your breasts are swollen out of the menstrual period, you should seek out a gynecologist doctor.