Swollen breasts five days after menstruation. What can it be?

Expert answer:

Swollen, sore breasts are frequent complaints of women at any age. Most of these problems are explained by hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle. In general, the time when these symptoms become more intense is in the premenstrual phase, that is, days before menstruation begins. But nothing prevents the woman from feeling breasts bumps after menstruation as well.

The other types of pain or tenderness in the breasts are very rare and may occur not necessarily linked to the menstrual cycle, and affect only a mom or a region thereof. In this case, with the presence of other symptoms such as nipple discharge,skin change breast, redness, itchiness, nodule or lump, it is recommended to consult the doctor for evaluation and physical examination of the breasts.

O self exam and observation of the body itself is very important for understanding the functioning of each organism and the perception of changes.