Symptoms of PMS after menstruation is normal? What can it be?

Doctor, my tpm is pretty strong. I feel pain in my legs, cramps (only on the first day that menses come), my breasts swell and whenever menstruation goes down everything back to normal, it is instantaneous. But this time my menses came, but the pains did not stop. My legs and back hurt a lot and my breasts are swollen and a little sore. What can it be? It's normal?
Expert answer:

No, continue with the PMS symptoms after menstruation is not normal, but may eventually happen. This may be a sign of hormonal disorder, which caused premenstrual phase conditions to remain in her body even after menstruation went down.

PMS occurs due to the marked increase in levels of luteinizing hormone during ovulation. There is also an increase in progesterone followed by a decrease in it for menstruation.

The post-menstrual phase is marked by the hormone estrogen, which improves mood and softens the symptoms of PMS.

What is TPM?

PMS (Premenstrual Tension) is a syndrome that involves physical, emotional and behavioral manifestations which occurs in women in the reproductive stage.

The symptoms of PMS appear after ovulation and they disappear or diminish significantly after menstruation.

What is the treatment for PMS?

Women with mild symptoms should change the lifestyle, with a healthy diet, practice of physical activity and reduction of stress.

When symptoms are most intense, treatment may include medicines analgesics and contraceptives, supplements, vitamins, as well as changes in lifestyle.

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Consult a gynecologist for a hormone test and start treatment for PMS.