I had a heart attack. What care should I take afterwards?

Expert answer:

The care that must be taken after a heart attack is mainly related to physical efforts. Between the 3rd and 6th week after the heart attack, the heart muscle is still healing and it is during this time that avoid intense exercise and lift weights.

Less severe cases are discharged 3 to 4 days after acute myocardial infarction. In general, the patient can return to their daily activities after 1 month.

after the 7th day, the patient's physical activity gradually increases and he is then subjected to an exercise test to calculate the risk of suffering a heart attack again in the coming months. The same test also serves to determine how much the person can exert after discharge.

In general, in the first few days after discharge, a level of light physical exertion is recommended. When performing an activity, the level of fatigue should be 2 to 3 on a scale of 0 to 10. However, this may vary from person to person.

Often the walking is the first exercise to be indicated after the infarction. In addition to walking, the patient can also perform household chores such as shopping, washing, hanging and ironing, gardening, or any other activity that does not require effort.

The cardiologist is the specialist who should indicate the most appropriate physical activities for each patient, according to the case.

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