Is constant hiccuping in baby normal? What can it be and what to do?

Expert answer:

Yes, constant hiccup in baby is normal, provided they are not sobs that last a whole day and do not stop at all. If this happens, it is best to take it to the pediatrician. Apart from these exceptional situations, it is very common for the baby to sob a lot, mainly newborns.

Hiccups are muscle contractions diaphragm, a muscle that separates the upper part of the lower trunk and is responsible for the intake of air into the lungs during breathing.

These contractions cause an intake of air in the lungs, causing the sound characteristic of the hiccup.

As the baby's musculature is still quite immature, any irritation of the diaphragm may cause a hiccup. Between the Common Causes of Hiccup in Babies, They are:

  • Cold: Shortness of breath or lack of clothing can leave the baby cold and cause hiccups. Even on warmer days, it is advisable to leave it with a garment that covers at least the belly and the back, without forgetting to protect the feet too. Wet diapers and wet shirts because of drool can also cause cold sobs;
  • Full stomach: It happens after a good blowjob. When it does, just leave the baby half sitting, in baby comfort or leaning against a pillow. If the baby is on the lap, be careful not to squeeze your belly and not shake it while you are sobbing;
  • Empty stomach: If the baby is hungry, he may also have a hiccup. In this case, the hiccup passes when he sucks;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux: Need specific medications to improve stomach emptying and reduce reflux, relieving hiccups;
  • Reflex action of the central nervous system: This type of hiccup occurs due to the immaturity of the autonomic nervous system and can pass when the baby frightens with a loud and sudden noise.

What to do to end the hiccup?

  • Make sure the baby is not hungry;
  • If you are not on a full stomach, give 10 to 20 ml of liquid as soon as the hiccup begins;
  • Allow child to comfort baby after breastfeeding;
  • Check if the baby is not cold and warm it if necessary;
  • Do not shake the baby when you are sobbing.

It is important to remember that babies do not suffer from sobs like adults, and may be sobbing for several minutes without showing any discomfort.

Learn more at:

What is the hiccup and what are its causes?

What is the best way to stop the hiccup?