There were cracks in the soles of my feet ...

There have been cracks in the soles of my feet that are opening. They are located in the lines of the small finger, the big toe and a little below this, almost next to the arch of the foot, being this one more deep, all in the left foot. In the right foot, they are in the lines of the smaller finger and the big toe. They are not infected because I try to maintain a good hygiene of the place with the topical use of an antiseptic and protection with tape. Can it be a sign of a kidney problem? Can it be allergy to some kind of footwear (I only wear slippers)? In short, does the case have any seriousness?
Expert answer:

Generally, cracks in the soles of the feet may be due to infections (such as those caused by fungi), skin inflammations (such as allergies or eczema) or excess skin formation (plantar hyperkeratosis), in which case the second and third options appear to be the most likely.