I have trouble breathing, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Breathing difficulty may be due to heart or lung disease, emotional factors (anxiety, depression), lack of physical conditioning or muscle strength.

At cardiac insufficiency, the heart is not able to pump blood effectively, which causes a buildup of blood inside the organ. As a result, the heart becomes more bulky and the blood pressure in the vessels of the lungs increases, causing fluids to flow to the lung (pulmonary edema) that make breathing difficult.

Respiratory distress may also be due to respiratory diseases such as colds, colds, pulmonary emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, among other diseases affecting the lungs and airways.

People who engage in poor physical activity or who have been inactive for a long time may experience difficulty breathing because of bad cardiorespiratory fitness Or the muscle weakness. In both cases, shortness of breath is due to the greater effort that the person has to make to perform their activities.

There are also cases in which the difficulty to breathe can originate in psychic factors, such as anxiety, depression, and panic syndrome.

If breathing difficulty is accompanied by wheezing, nighttime sleep disruptions, difficulty speaking, purple lips, coughing, pain or wheezing in the chest, consult a GP or family doctor to investigate the cause of your shortness of breath.

Learn more at: I feel a fast heart and shortness of breath, what can it be?