What to do to help pierce the septum?

Expert answer:

To help healing the septum piercing you can pass a healing ointment prescribed by a physician. In addition, to avoid infections that can delay the healing process, it may also indicate a antibiotic for local use.

O normal healing time of a septum piercing is 8 to 10 weeks. In addition to the medications indicated by the doctor, it is wash the site and the piercing twice a day with soap and water or antiseptic soap.

Preventing infections is the number one priority to ensure faster healing and avoid possible complications.

Other measures help in healing:

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and drug use;
  • Have a balanced diet, without neglecting the proteins, which are the raw material for the body to produce the scar;
  • Control your stress.

Healing is related to the conditions that exist for the body to perform this process. All of the above factors disfavor these conditions.

A general practitioner, family doctor, or dermatologist may prescribe ointments and creams to assist in the healing of the septum piercing.