When is not advised to get a tattoo?

Expert answer:

Tattooing is not advisable for people with allergy to pigments used or that already have some skin disease (as psoriasis and vitiligo). Tattooing is also not advisable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The biggest risks of getting a tattoo are linked to local skin infections or systemic disorders that involve the whole organism. Hypersensitivity to the skin or allergic reaction is common associated with the pigments that are used to color the tattoo. Although the effects between tattooing and cancer are not well established, some pigments and metals (mercury, cobalt, chromium, cadmium, manganese) were related to the possibility of cause cancer long-term.

The use of contaminated needles and / or paints increases the possibility of contamination by the AIDS virus and hepatitis B and C. If the material is not well sterilized and the site or tattoo artist does not strictly follow hygienic conditions, there is a risk of skin infections caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria, allergies, abscess, erysipelas and even a generalized infection in the most severe cases. At paints can also be toxic and highly allergenic.

Tattooed people can feel pain greater and sensation of local burning during the MRI.

In the case of pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, the tattoo is not indicated to avoid that, in the event of contamination, the fetus or baby is not infected.