When does the baby begin to see?

Expert answer:

The development of the baby's vision is an ongoing process. We know that the baby can to see from birth, however with the passing of the months it improves more and more his visual ability and develops new skills.

Newborns up to 1 month of age can perceive the human face, eyes and mouth at a distance of 30cm and some are already beginning to accompany the person's face interacting with the child, in addition to being able to discern objects of high contrast.

After 1 monthCan you start doing visual contact, turns his head to a light source and prefers high contrast figures (eg black and white) and simple shapes, but maintains low visual acuity.

After the 2 months, can follow a person who moves, changes his expression as he looks (smiles, gets serious) and there is an improvement in visual acuity.

After 3 months, the baby smiles, looks at one's hands, and begins to have the ability to accommodate the vision to have a better visual acuity.

To the 6-7 monthsalready recognizes people around, as well as toys, favorite foods from a distance, and can already use both eyes well together to see better.

The baby should make periodic evaluation with family doctor or pediatrician to evaluate various aspects of their growth, development, feeding, etc. Only the doctor qualified to do so may say about any type of delay in the baby's neurological development and refer, when necessary, for specialized evaluation.