Can I take Buscoduo during pregnancy?

I discovered that I am pregnant for 6 weeks, I am very colic, the doctor prescribed me the new buscoduo for colic and pain, but that reading the package insert says it is not recommended for pregnant women and now a doctor?
Expert answer:

O I search for you is not indicated during pregnancy unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor. In your case, as the doctor prescribed and indicated this medication, there are no problems, you can use in this situation.

This medication may cross the placenta and cause fetal damage in some cases. Therefore, BuscoDuo only should be used when the benefits use of the medication are superior potential damage. The doctor is able to make this evaluation and may or may not indicate the use.

It is always important to tell the health care provider how to accurately weigh the indication of each medication.

Do not take medication without a prescription and without the proper indication of the health professional specifically for you.