What are the symptoms of liver failure?

Expert answer:

The first signs and symptoms of liver failure are: nausea, tiredness and malaise. Then comes the jaundice, due to the accumulation of unprocessed bilirubin by the liver, which leaves the skin and eyes yellow.

However, the most obvious symptom of hepatic impairment is the appearance of encephalopathy, which causes lesions in the brain (brain, cerebellum, bulb). This manifestation may occur before or after jaundice.

The signs and symptoms of liver failure may slowly manifest or begin rapidly, progressively evolving and causing the failure of various organs and systems of the body.


Once encephalopathy has been established, the neurological signs and symptoms of hepatic impairment, which usually begin and evolve in that order:

1) Behavior changes;
2) Sleep disorders;
3) Loss of the notion of time and space.

Neurological changes due to hepatic encephalopathy may also favor the development of infections, hemorrhages and renal insufficiency, with the risk of causing the failure of several organs and systems.

Acute liver failure

Acute liver failure is characterized by failure of liver function with the appearance of encephalopathy (brain lesions) up to 8 weeks after the onset of the disease.

Another characteristic of acute liver failure is the involvement of other organs and systems, such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, spinal cord, circulatory system, and immune system.

In subpolar hepatic failure, encephalopathy occurs between the 2nd and 12th week after jaundice, which is when the skin and eyes turn yellow. In the case of fulminant hepatic failure, the brain lesions are installed in the first two weeks.

The diagnosis and treatment of hepatic impairment is the responsibility of the hepatologist.

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