What is the TSA test for?

I am doing preoperative bariatric surgery and I would like to know: what is the TSA test for?
Expert answer:

The TSA (Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test) or antibiogram serves for check the best antibiotic to use in case of an infection.

The TSA verifies the sensitivity and the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, indicating to the professional which medication is most appropriate to treat the infection in question.

Samples collected for the examination may come from the blood, sputum, secretions, saliva, feces or urine.

The procedure consists of "grow crops" in an oven microorganisms (urine culture, if urine).

Bacteria and other microorganisms are inoculated into a laboratory plate in which they are placed paper disks impregnated with antibiotics or antimicrobials.

Then, it is analyzed whether there were growth or inhibition of the multiplication of the bacteria and others around each disc. The results are measured and searched in tables, according to the type of bacteria or microorganism under analysis.

Thus, it is possible to know which antibiotic or antimicrobial is most appropriate for eliminate germs responsible for the current infectious process.