What is the purpose of the oxalacetic transaminase test?

Expert answer:

The oxalacetic transaminase test, also known as ORT, is used to detect diseases and problems in the liver and on bile. Oxalacetic transaminase is an enzyme found throughout the body, but its highest concentration is in the liver. Therefore, when he suffers an injury, the TGO spills into the bloodstream and the test shows high values.

Analysis of oxaloacetic transaminase levels is required mainly in suspected cases of hepatobiliary lesions. The reference values ​​for oxaloacetic transaminase vary between 5 and 40 U / L, according to each laboratory.


When the level of oxaloacetic transaminase is very high, ie 10 times higher than the normal values, the person may be acute viral hepatitis. After a period ranging from 3 to 6 months, OGT rates tend to normalize.

Oxalacetic transaminase may be high in various conditions and diseases that may or may not be related to the liver, such as exposure to toxic substances, decreased blood flow to the liver, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, bile diseases , infarction, muscle injuries or intense physical activity.

For this reason, the result of the oxaloacetic transaminase test is analyzed together with the alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which is also produced by the liver, among other liver tests, such as bilirubin and albumin.

The physician who requested the oxalacetic transaminase analysis is responsible for interpreting the results. Therefore, it is important to take the results of the exams in a return visit so that the doctor can correlate these results with your clinical picture.

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What is TGO and TGP?